Blood Ravens Thousand Sons

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Click to expand. Click to shrink.He has no Chaplain. One of his last surviving Chapter-mates is a Psyker Dreadnought. One of the others is under a Vow of Silence. They were whittled down to nothing at the Hill, including the Crusade Champion. At least he's still got Thaddeus.And even of the forces he managed to slowly piece together, they still took losses.

I doubt it, the Blood Ravens are a Chapter of the Second Founding having been founded from the 20 original Legions, which include Magnus' Thousand Sons.

I mean.the Blood Ravens novel pretty unequivocally implies that the Thousand Sons already know. Granted, this same novel was kind of. What are your thoughts on the Thousand Sons being the progenitor legion of the Blood Ravens? I personally love the idea and think it has a lot of credible evidence, but I would like to know what other Thousand Sons fans think.

He got badly wounded again at one point. The ship got mauled. An order of Sororitas+their Cannoness were KIA under his command.The only support structure he's got is what he's cobbled together around him. It's an Emperor-blessed miracle that he's still accomplishing things at this stage. That he's depressed after this constant miserable grind?

Even for a Space Marine that's understandable, especially in light of the horrible casualty numbers and losses the Imperium has otherwise been sustaining. Aramus is really showing how skilled he is here and also that he's been pushed to his limits over and over again. His doubts about where he comes from and his desire to return to his chapter are striking but that last line is haunting.I'm really hoping that isn't a sign that he's not going to return to the chapter when the crusade ends.I'm loving Aramus and the Salamanders here, having their support is probably one of the main reasons that Aramus is still around.

Spending a hundred years in the eye of terror pulling off miracles is exceptional even for a Hero Character. Spending all that time without any real support while even other marines have time to rotate in and out to rebuild and rearm is a grueling task that shows why most penitent crusades fail. The salamanders are there because they feel that he is making a difference and that must be a huge help by itself to someone that is growing weary.

Click to expand. Click to shrink.Well, true. But, and this might just be me, if there were ever a thing to make a space marine really feel the grind, it would be the 13th Black Crusade. Or at least this version of it. Aramus has seen more marines die than he ever thought he'd see alive in his entire lifetime.

Thousand Sons Army

The sheer number of Imperial Guard, Sororitas, Navy, Mechanicus, etc. Are never to be discounted either. Sure, he's done the world bouncing thing like he did for the first two Aurelian Crusades, but there was always an end point to that.Get the toxin, synthesize it, create the delivery device, deliver it, kill the Hive Tyrant. Kill the Warboss' top leaders, draw out the Warboss.

Hunt down the Farseer, kill her support troops. Find the enemy, kill the enemy. Investigate the hulk.

Retrieve the gene-seed. Prove corruption. Hunt Araghast. Hunt Eliphas.

Kill the traitor. Hunt, locate.And at the end of it, they were done.

There was an end point in sight. There was a moment to rest. To recuperate. At least for a little while. Abbadon's invasion doesn't allow for that.Aramus can't see victory in the distance like he could before. The mixture of pride and contempt that let him do that? It's been pretty worn down.

Dawn of war blood ravens

I mean, it did lead to Gabriel sending him on a Penitent Crusade for tipping a bit too far on the scale of 'bad decisions' due to that. So, you know, the Penitent Crusade is doing its job.Plus, you've got to remember. Aramus was promoted to Force Commander way sooner than anyone else thought was reasonable.

Kyras ensured that he was pushed into being Force Commander, the youngest in Blood Raven history. So he doesn't have the exact same grounding experience as, say, Gabriel. It's actually Logar, and here what convinced me (actual text not mine, I copypastas'd it from a source I forgot):'Though the Blood Ravens tend to obsess over Knowledge and Relics, they don't do it in the same way the Thousand Sons did. They don't seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; they're looking for something obsessively, and zealously.

A single fact. 'Who is our Primarch'. All their searches for knowledge are meant to serve this quest.

It was a demeanour that reminded me a hell of a lot more of the Word Bearers and their tendency to zealously obsess over a single fact; be it the Imperial Truth (During their days as the Imperial Heralds), worship of the Emperor (Pre-Monarchia), or their search to find if gods really do exist.There are supporting facts to this, some tying back to Kronus, some to their Recruiting Worlds.-Eliphas seems to know who the Blood Ravens really are, and quite tellingly, he refers to them as Brothers quite legitimately in Dark Crusade. It's not the mocking 'brothers' that we saw him use in Chaos Rising, it appeared like he was being genuine with phrases like 'Brotherhood is not lessened when one brother is foolish, Captain. You can still be forgiven.' -The Planet Kronus is a world that holds relics from the Blood Ravens' founding; it was a world that the Thousand Sons never got close to (They were operating in the Segmentum Obscurus). There is no evidence anywhere that the Thousand Sons had anything on Kronus. The Word Bearers, however, did fight on Kronus during the Horus Heresy; around when those relics would have existed.

But, and this might just be me, if there were ever a thing to make a space marine really feel the grind, it would be the 13th Black Crusade. Or at least this version of it. Aramus has seen more marines die than he ever thought he'd see alive in his entire lifetime.

The sheer number of Imperial Guard, Sororitas, Navy, Mechanicus, etc. Are never to be discounted either. Sure, he's done the world bouncing thing like he did for the first two Aurelian Crusades, but there was always an end point to that.Get the toxin, synthesize it, create the delivery device, deliver it, kill the Hive Tyrant. Kill the Warboss' top leaders, draw out the Warboss. Hunt down the Farseer, kill her support troops. Find the enemy, kill the enemy.

Investigate the hulk. Retrieve the gene-seed. Prove corruption. Hunt Araghast.

Hunt Eliphas. Kill the traitor. Hunt, locate.And at the end of it, they were done. There was an end point in sight. There was a moment to rest. To recuperate. At least for a little while.

Abbadon's invasion doesn't allow for that.Aramus can't see victory in the distance like he could before. The mixture of pride and contempt that let him do that? It's been pretty worn down. I mean, it did lead to Gabriel sending him on a Penitent Crusade for tipping a bit too far on the scale of 'bad decisions' due to that. So, you know, the Penitent Crusade is doing its job.Plus, you've got to remember.

Aramus was promoted to Force Commander way sooner than anyone else thought was reasonable. Kyras ensured that he was pushed into being Force Commander, the youngest in Blood Raven history. So he doesn't have the exact same grounding experience as, say, Gabriel.

Click to expand. Click to shrink.nope?I'm pretty sure that before the Great Rift, it was not.

Under current Roboute reforms and such, it's a scout company, and the others are all running around with intercessors and repulsor tanks and such. But that hasn't/might not happen. So.right now all 7 Companies are organized with their own little scout section, usually, as pre-reforms. The 7th is in flux due to circumstance.' As of 980.M41, following the events of the Dragon Strife in 975.M41, the Salamanders began the inception of a 7th Battle Company - an event which has not occurred since before the 2nd Founding.'

It's actually Logar, and here what convinced me (actual text not mine, I copypastas'd it from a source I forgot):'Though the Blood Ravens tend to obsess over Knowledge and Relics, they don't do it in the same way the Thousand Sons did. They don't seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; they're looking for something obsessively, and zealously. A single fact. 'Who is our Primarch'. All their searches for knowledge are meant to serve this quest. It was a demeanour that reminded me a hell of a lot more of the Word Bearers and their tendency to zealously obsess over a single fact; be it the Imperial Truth (During their days as the Imperial Heralds), worship of the Emperor (Pre-Monarchia), or their search to find if gods really do exist.There are supporting facts to this, some tying back to Kronus, some to their Recruiting Worlds.-Eliphas seems to know who the Blood Ravens really are, and quite tellingly, he refers to them as Brothers quite legitimately in Dark Crusade.

It's not the mocking 'brothers' that we saw him use in Chaos Rising, it appeared like he was being genuine with phrases like 'Brotherhood is not lessened when one brother is foolish, Captain. You can still be forgiven.' -The Planet Kronus is a world that holds relics from the Blood Ravens' founding; it was a world that the Thousand Sons never got close to (They were operating in the Segmentum Obscurus). There is no evidence anywhere that the Thousand Sons had anything on Kronus. The Word Bearers, however, did fight on Kronus during the Horus Heresy; around when those relics would have existed. Click to expand. Click to shrink.I fall on the side of chimeric, that is, the original Blood Ravens were loyalist Astartes from a number of traitor legions that fought for the Imperium during the Heresy.

From what I remember the Death Guard on Terra who were not with Mortarion’s fleet did not fall to Chaos but instead defended the Imperial Palace. I fall on the side of chimeric, that is, the original Blood Ravens were loyalist Astartes from a number of traitor legions that fought for the Imperium during the Heresy. From what I remember the Death Guard on Terra who were not with Mortarion’s fleet did not fall to Chaos but instead defended the Imperial Palace. Oi, yer a clever one, you iz. Dat’s roight!” The ork laughed from every direction. “I’ze Ghurzgot Doom-Eater! And dis is MY KILLY-NAUGHT!”At his voice, the orks slowed their charge, for just a moment, listening in what looked almost like religious ecstasy.“Dem boyz is me blood, cause dem boyz is me WAAAAGH!!

We’ze gonna eat up all da gubbins in da ‘ol ‘ooneverse, and spit out shoots and ships! We’ze gonna get a big enuff fleet, and we’ze gonna go back, and we’ze gonna stomp all dem buggies!”.

Click to expand. Click to shrink.The Imperium has sent probes outside the reaches of the Astronomicon before and all they heard were Orkish transmissions. My current idea is that a very long time ago, an Ork Warboss from another galaxy or even just the corner of the Milky Way left the galaxy into the space between the galaxies before making their way here. On this trip which was most likely thousands of years in length, they ran across Tyranids on their way to the Milky Way and got mulched. Doom-Eater implies that he was a nob at the time, and considering he's in charge of a starfort twice the size of a Ramillies, this Boss must have had a huge fleet. He probably took on an entire Hive Fleet.If this may be true, Segmentum command needs to know this ASAP.

Warhammer 40k Blood Ravens Primarch

Click to expand. Click to shrink.Which is why I want know if Virus Bombing is an option. If you Virus Bomb the station then intentionally NOT fire upon the resulting gas, you'll get a slurry of Ork remains but all tech remaining intact.A Virus Bomb not accompanied by a bombardment means that Deff Dreads and maybe a few Killa Kans might still live but it would put it out of commission and buy time for reinforcements to clean it out and snatch the valuables.This isn't a world killing attempt but a more tactical one.