Firefox Keeps Logging Me Out Of Sites

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I've been having this same issue with Chrome Browser. What solved it for me was to add '' to the allowed cookies list in the browser settings. You might have to Google instructions on how to do this, I don't use Firefox.I also discovered that using the Chrome Browser Extension 'Vanilla Cookie Manager' can have an effect on logout issues. Adding to the allowed cookies list in that extension and also the browser allowed list mentioned above solved it for me. Posts: 19 Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:48 am.

  1. Firefox Keeps Logging Me Out Of Sites On Facebook
Firefox Keeps Logging Me Out Of Sites

I have not been able to get ie to keep me logged in on facebook, or even Microsoft mail. I have tried deleting all of the cookies. I have even disabled and then re-enabled ie. Nothing seems to work. I didn't have this problem when I was on Windows 8 and I don't have a problem with cookies on Google Chrome or Firefox - just on ie11. The thing is that Firefox doesn't log me out of all accounts, only certain ones (Youtube keeps logging me out, but other sites such as Google and IMDb are fine and I have no problem with them) and it doesn't. Show more I have no idea when this occurred, but I do know that there was a time when everything was fine.

Firefox Keeps Logging Me Out Of Sites On Facebook

I don't believe it's a bug in the true sense of the word, it's more an incorrect setting within your browser, i.e. LastPass Cookies are being deleted when you close your browser session. As I mentioned previously adding to the Chrome browser allowed Cookies list solved the problem nicely for me and I suspect the same applies to users of Firefox. I forgot that i had Firefox installed as well and so I've just looked at the preferences and under 'Privacy' it looks like you would need to set Firefox to 'Remember History', this should prevent Firefox from deleting the LastPass Cookies thus preventing LastPass from logging you out on exit. As an alternative under the 'Privacy' tab in preferences set Firefox to 'Use Custom Settings for History' then add LastPass as an allowed Cookie.

Posts: 19 Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:48 am. No, I haven't tried 'disable all other plug-ins/extensions' and I don't see why plugins that I've had installed along side lastpass forever would suddenly have an issues with lastpass out of the blue.I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with a link they sent me via my help ticket and it did nothing, lastpass still logs me out when I close firefox. After that I havn't heard back from support, so I guess they are ignoring me now.Does anyone that works for lastpass actually read these forums? I'm guessing not, but just in case can you guys shed some light on this? Posts: 7 Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:31 pm. I'm just annoyed because every time I have issues with firefox the first thing people tell me to do is 'try disabling all the plugin and add-on' even though that have NEVER worked for me for any problem I have ever had with firefox.

I know, it's a base diagnostic thing to ask, but when I'm trying to find answers else where that's all I find and I have yet to find a solution anywhere.Also, I tried to disable ALL of my add-ons and plugin and just like I thought, no, it doesn't help in the least bit. I still get logged out when I restart FireFox.Also contacting support isn't helping at all. All they did was tell me to clear my cookies and link me to an install link for their beta, which of course still logs me out. Even though I had stated in my e-mail that I had already done those steps (I sent in a help ticket once before) they still just sent me a copy/past response to my help ticket telling me to do the thing I've done multiple times.Again, is anyone working for LastPass actually reading this? Or is it just purely user base responses?

I appreciated the help and effort from just regular people trying to help out, but some insight from someone who actually works at LastPass would be REALLY great. Posts: 7 Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:31 pm.