Full Metal Jacket Common Sense Media

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Top war movie is intensely violent, full of strong language. Parents need to know that this Oscar-winning war drama - one of the most highly regarded Vietnam War movies - is highly violent, powerful, and devastating. No war movie is truly an anti-war movie, but PLATOON comes. Full Metal Jacket is one of my favourite movies, Kubrick is on of my favourite directors. I personally enjoy all of the film. The first part of the movie with Pvt. Leonard 'Gomer Pyle' Lawrence is very enjoyable because of the Sergeant and his way of training his troops. Youtube peliculas comicas completas.

Parents Common Sense Media

They're incredibly different halves. The first few times I watched 'Full Metal Jacket' as a 13-year-old I found the first half to be hilarious and the characters quickly grew on me; however, I felt far less attached to the characters in the second half, and I even hated some of them. I also found it to be a little long and drawn-out. As I grew older, I enjoyed the second half more and appreciated it, though the first half of the film is still the best.


Both are very important to the overall structure of the film and the second half should not be quickly dismissed as pointless. I always thought the MICKEY MOUSE part was kinda similar to Art Spiegelman's Maus. He used mice to dissect World War 2 in part because the actual Mickey Mouse was being used as a balm to distract people from a lot of traumatizing things. That, and people have consistently demonstrated greater capability to empathize with animals than people. In singing the theme song for Mickey Mouse, they're basically saying that no matter what they do we will still ultimately feel for them as boys and not killers. Of course, I have been accused of thinking too much.