Ministry Of Truth Morrowind

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WMG / The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. The terminology is the other way around (the official line is that Mephala was the Anticipation of Vivec — she came before him, after all), but other than minor quibble, an interesting theory — and it certainly makes for interesting implications given that Lie Rock was supposedly sent by Sheogorath.

Ministry Of Truth Morrowind

I came up to the Milo quest in the Main quest, and seeing as I was already a Disciple of the Temple, I decided to do the rest of the Temple quests and get to be Patriarch. Well I did it (and luckily got the Ebony Mail. Best medium armor, and that's my guy's main armor skill ) and I've tried to go into the Ministry of Truth. I heard if you were the Patriarch, they'd talk to you and tell you where Milo was being held and not overly care. Now, they just ignore me at first, which is different from what I've heard they usually do, however I don't want to be caught picking locks or having them yell at me and attacking meI can kill them easy. I'm level 32 or 33 and I've completed both Tribunal and Bloodmoon already, so I'm a pretty strong character, with some nice stuff (although I still haven't learned how to enchant, nor really needed it) and I can kill the Ordinators in two hits or so, but I want to avoid this, as the woman at the front when you go in tells me that it wouldn't be good to kill anyone.So was I wrong, is there no way, as patriarch of the temple, to make them love me?

(You'd think they'd let me do whatever I wanted, I mean, I am after all their leader). Let me put it this way, I was head of everythig but the fighters guild & head of house telvanni and the ordinators still hated me. As for Milos quest just make sure you read the note in her room and have the divine intervention scrolls then talk to the guard outside of the ministy of truth and she should give you a key, if you dont want to be seen by the ordinators inside I would recomend getting the Amulet of Shadows, or a Chameleon spell of at least 75%Edit: this should probably be in spoilers too btw since it deals with the Milo quest.


Morrowind Mehra Milo

Well, as I've hinted at before, this quest is not as shallow as it seems - there is an alternative solution for those who aren't adept at sneaking and have problems with smacking Ordinators.Grab a set of Indoril Pauldrons, along with a Cuirass and Helm, and talk to the Grand Inquisitor. The shortest route to his location is by taking the entrance into the prison closest to Saram and going through the door on your right. As long as you're not a Khajiit or Argonian, you can talk to him about 'Proper Authorization' and he'll not only give you his sector key, but will also tell the guards of your sad tale, alert you to the location of the cell key, and show an ounce of regret for his previous remarks.