Skyrim Bound Sword Mod

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Kenneally, Tim (24 February 2012). The Observer (Guardian News & Media): p. 16. Retrieved 1 August 2011. How tall is morrissey.

Skyrim mods that replace or add new weapons or spells. This mod adds a new Bound Sword to the game. It is called Abberation Slayer and can only damage.

  • Bound weapons are conjured weapons used in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Summoned through the use of Conjuration magic. All bound weapons are weightless versions of non-upgraded Daedric weapons. The Bound bow is the strongest Bound Weapon. When conjured, 100 Bound Arrows accompany it.
  • Description This mod adds a new spell to Skyrim that summons Daemon, a new bound sword. You can find the spell tome for Daemon inside Pinemoon Cave, atop the rostrum.

Skyrim Bound Sword Retexture Mod

I am planning to make a Conjuration character that will only use bound weapons and their related perks. (No other conjuration perks will be needed, such the ones related to summoned atronachs and raising the dead.)My main source of damage will be the bow, followed by the battleaxe. You should fully upgrade the bound weapons part of the conjuration tree, and also upgrade 1-handed, 2-handed, and archery as these all contribute to your bound weapons.

In my opinion, bound weapons are the best weapons in the game as they have the equivalent damage to daedric weapons and are weightless so it uses less stamina to power attack.As far as the armor goes, if you want to keep with a magey type feel I would suggest Oakflesh, Stoneflesh, Ironflesh, or Eebonyflesh, and get the Mage Armor perks and use robes for good magicka regeneration and the decrease in cost. If you want the best armor rating possible, use a set of legendary daedric and enchant magicka regen on it.Bound weapon logic:Bound battleaxe: 25 damage, weight 0. Tome cost 356 from Phinis GestorEbony warhammer: 24 damage, weight 25. Need a high level to find, buy, smith.Daedric battleaxe: 25 damage, weight 25. Cannot find, need REALLY high smith skill.

Skyrim Bound Sword Mod

Skyrim Bound Weapons Mod

As Fred said, asking in the Skyrim forums might well be the best bet.Having said that, I have tried my hand at modding it myself a bit, and I can tell you that if you edited a script file, that the changes to that script would persist even if your mod was disabled, as the editor creates an overriding copy of the base script in another folder when you edit - meaning if you delete the new version from the new folder then the game may well run as normal. It's been awhile since I dived into those files though so I'm not sure which one, but that could possibly be it.