Starbound Change Crew Appearance

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How do I change or alter my uniform/appearance in Star Trek Online? Captain & Bridge Officer Uniforms/Appearance. At a clothing Tailor, you will be able to select your Captain’s uniform, your Captain’s Off Duty outfit, or the uniforms for any of your Bridge Officers. Once selected, you may rename that costume slot, wear it, or modify it.

Starbound Change Crew Appearance Chart

Rev Bem (Reverend Behemial Far Traveller) was a regular in the first season and a half of Andromeda, and looked more-or-less like a typical Magog. He makes a guest appearance in the 3rd season episode, at the end of which he is physically transformed into something that looks more like a cross between a Magog and a human. He only appears once more, in the 4th season episode.Why did he have this transformation?

Starbound Change Crew AppearanceStarbound crew bed

Starbound Crew Mod

I didn't notice any in-universe explanation (the change is commented on, but in the short screen time afterwards didn't appear to have any significant impact), and it's hard to see what an out-of-universe explanation would be, given that the character had only a single additional episode (e.g. It seems unlikely it would be to improve the ratings of the character).If the change had occurred around the time that Rev Bem left Andromeda, I would have guessed that it was related to something that was planned for the show and never happened (like so many other things), but this change was introduced a year after he had already left the ship and show.