Von Braun System Shock
OverviewSystem Shock 2 is the sequel to the 1994 first-person shooter/RPG hybrid. Set in the early twenty-second century, players assume the role of a nameless serving aboard the space-faring vessel during its defensive escort for the maiden voyage of humanity's first starship, the.
The campaign begins as the soldier is awakened from cryogenic stasis with of the last several weeks, only to discover the Von Braun and overrun by a host of hostile creatures who refer to themselves as '.Over the course of the game, the soldier uncovers the events leading to the catastrophe by battling his way through both ships and examining clues left behind by the crew, such as. In a mid-game, players also witness the resurrection of the original System Shock's primary, the malevolent known as. StoryThe main story begins in 2114, forty-two years after the events of the original System Shock.
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After the protagonist, joins the United National Nominate, he is assigned to the Rickenbacker, a military spacecraft. This ship is appointed to escort the maiden-voyage of the Von Braun, an experimental starship capable of faster-than-light space travel.A couple of months into the journey, the ships respond to a distress signal originating from the planet Tau Ceti V. A rescue team is deployed to the surface of the planet, where they discover strange eggs throughout the entire facility and nearby area. The eggs suddenly infect the rescue team and integrate them into an alien communion that calls itself. Upon the rescue team's return, the infestation takes over both ships.Soldier G65434-2 awakens in a cryo-tube in the medical wing of the Von Braun with amnesia due to a computer malfunction.
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This week, Cory takes a deep breath, braces himself, and journeys back into the hellish depths of the Von Braun in System Shock 2. It’s still out there. I can hear it through the door, wandering. Von Braun, lunar crater The VonBraun, a fictional faster-than-light starship from the 1999 personal computer game System Shock 2 The Von Braun, a fusion-powered ship designed for a manned mission to Jupiter in the manga and anime Planetes The Von Braun, a fictional, robotic, slower-than-light starship in. Effectively a giant, intergalactic city, the Von Braun is a functioning eco-system and civilisation, designed to traverse the stars and claim intergalactic territories in the name of humanity (or, more specifically, the company Tri-Optimum, which is responsible for its construction and owns more or less everything on Earth, at this point).
He is immediately contacted by another survivor, Dr. Janice Polito, who guides the soldier to safety seconds before the medical wing depressurizes. Dr Polito implores the soldier to meet with her on Deck 4.
As he makes his way to his objective, the soldier battles the infected crew members; all the while, The Many communicates telepathically with the soldier, inciting him to join their collective.After the soldier restarts the Rickenbacker's engine core, incinerating everything in the elevator shaft, he reaches Deck 4 and discovers that Dr. Polito has been dead for some time. He is confronted by SHODAN, the rogue artificial intelligence that caused the devastation on Citadel Station in the previous game. She reveals that she has been posing as Dr. Polito to gain his trust, and is solely responsible for creating The Many. They are the results of bio-engineering experiments on the denizens of Citadel Station. Forty-two years earlier, an unnamed ejected the grove that contained both SHODAN and her experiments into space to prevent them from contaminating Earth.
When the grove landed on Tau Ceti V, SHODAN was forced into hibernation. This allowed The Many to grow beyond her control. SHODAN subsequently issues an ultimatum: The soldier must help her destroy her creations, or die.Soldier G65434-2 tries to regain control of the main computers, but ultimately fails. SHODAN informs him that destroying the Von Braun is their only option, but he must first transfer SHODAN's consciousness to the Rickenbacker. While en route, the soldier briefly finds two survivors, Tommy Suarez and Rebecca Siddons, who flee the ship on a working escape pod.When the transfer is complete, the soldier travels to the Rickenbacker and learns that both ships have been infected by The Many's source: a giant mass of organic tissue. The soldier enters its mass and destroys the core from within, stopping the spread of the infection. SHODAN congratulates the protagonist and informs him of its original intentions: to merge physical reality with cyberspace by subverting the reality-altering mechanics of the Von Braun's FTL drive.
The soldier subsequently confronts SHODAN in and defeats her.The final scene of the game shows Tommy and Rebecca receiving a message from the Von Braun. Tommy answers, telling the soldier that they will return for him but Rebecca isn't feeling well.
She is heard speaking in the same voice as SHODAN. Characters.: The and main of System Shock 2. Depending on which branch of the military is chosen by players at the beginning of the game, the soldier serves either in the UNN Protectorate's Navy, the Marines, or the OSA. Dr. Janice Polito: The Von Braun's senior systems analyst.
Early on, SHODAN mimics Dr. Polito's voice during her remote communications with soldier G65434-2 in order to establish trust.
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The protagonist eventually discovers Polito's corpse inside her office on Ops deck just before SHODAN reveals her deception.: A genetically-engineered race of -like creatures capable of infecting human hosts in order to control their behavior. While technically not a single 'character,' this telepathically communicates with soldier G65434-2 several times over the course of the campaign, usually to condemn humanity's inherent individuality or to persuade the soldier to stop resisting and join the 'splendor of the flesh'.: The resident installed on the Von Braun. XERXES is co-opted by the The Many's agents and helps them run riot on the Von Braun. Later in the game, SHODAN assimilates his AI core into herself in order to gain complete control over the Von Braun's systems.: The famous captain of the, the UNN Protectorate's heavy military escort for the Von Braun. William is the son of Edward Diego, the infamous vice-president of TriOptimum whose shady dealings led to the disaster of the original System Shock. Anatoly Korenchkin: The enterprising CEO of TriOptimum. A consummate capitalist, Korenchkin's quest for greater profits leads him to captain the Von Braun on its maiden voyage, despite his total lack of experience in commanding a starship.
Dr. Marie Delacroix: The Von Braun's chief engineer and one of the few remaining uninfected survivors. She is the de facto leader of a meager human group fighting against The Many. Delacroix makes contact with the protagonist late in the campaign, but soon falls victim to a trap laid by SHODAN once she is no longer useful.: A megalomaniacal AI who makes her return as an unlikely ally in System Shock 2. Unsatisfied with the results of her 'grand and wonderful experiment' that resulted in the creation of The Many, she manipulates the protagonist in order to correct her 'error' and exterminate the annelids.GameplayLike its predecessor, System Shock 2 combines the immersive perspective of a first-person shooter with extensive gameplay elements seen primarily in. At the start of the game, players can customize their character's skill set through a series of military career missions. A player's chosen and directly influence their character's effectiveness in combat, as well as their ability to perform various non-violent actions such as.Throughout the game, players have opportunities to guide their character’s specialization by spending 'cybernetic modules' at special kiosks known as 'upgrade units'.
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Characters can progress in their combat skills, including Standard, Heavy, Energy and Exotic weapons. They can increase their technical prowess, including hacking,. Alternatively, they may learn increasingly powerful.System Shock 2's gameplay is open-ended, and characters with different specialties may find different ways around obstacles. A Marine trained in combat skills might fight past several enemies to reach an important switch, while an OSA agent with psionic abilities might himself from his enemies and simply walk past them. A UNN naval officer could use his technical skills to hack into a nearby gun and let it destroy the enemy instead. EquipmentAs in most RPGs, players will discover a wide variety of equippable or consumable items over the course of the game. Items require to carry, and the player's total number of slots depends on their character's Strength value.
WeaponsWith the exception of the, every weapon in the game has an associated prerequisite. Certain weapons may also require a certain level of basic character (Strength, Agility, etc.) to equip. Most of the game's can be loaded with, some of which may be more effective against certain enemy types.While melee weapons in System Shock 2 cannot be broken, all ranged weapons are subject to damage and will eventually jam after a certain number of rounds have been fired, effectively disabling the weapon until it is. Standard WeaponsAmmoStats RequiredFiring ModesDescriptionTalon M2A3 PistolBullets (Standard, Armor Piercing, Anti-Personnel)Standard: 1Single, 3-shot burstA.45-caliber sidearm available early in the game, the standard inflicts moderate damage and requires only basic weapons training to wield.
It's effective against most enemies, especially when the appropriate ammo type is used.10-Gauge ShotgunShells (Rifled Slugs, Pellets)Standard: 3Single, 3-shot burstA with substantial that deals a respectable amount of damage, and its ammo is relatively plentiful. Pellet rounds are very effective versus organic targets, while slugs are better at punching through metallic armor.M-22 Assault RifleBullets (Standard, Armor Piercing, Anti-Personnel)Standard: 6Strength: 4Semi-auto, full autoThe workhorse of the UNN, this is the pinnacle of Standard weapons.
Featuring dual fire modes and a large magazine, its damage is comparable to the pistol with a 25% damage bonus. Even strong creatures can be dropped by only a few shots with an optimal ammo type.Energy WeaponsAmmoStats RequiredFiring ModesDescriptionApollo H4 Laser PistolBatteriesEnergy: 1Normal, OverloadA basic that inflicts only small amounts of damage in Normal mode, but can be set to Overload for increased damage.
Its main advantage lies in its essentially infinite ammo; Laser Pistols can be charged not only with portable, but also at any Recharge Station. It deals against totally mechanical targets.Laser Rapier Mk.
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IVNoneEnergy: 4Agility: 3N/AAn advanced melee weapon that's stronger than the standard Wrench. This ' is twice as effective against mechanical enemies as opposed to organic targets.EMP RifleBatteriesEnergy: 6Normal, OverloadA specialized projection device which is very effective against robots and, but useless against organic targets. Like the laser pistol, its ammo is essentially unlimited.Heavy WeaponsAmmoStats RequiredFiring ModesDescriptionTC-11 'Brick' Grenade LauncherGrenades (Frag, Incendiary, EMP, Disruption, Proximity)Heavy: 1Impact, BounceA highly versatile weapon that can fire a wide variety of ammo types. The Grenade Launcher's rounds also have the ability to cause to nearby targets. 'Impact' mode causes rounds to detonate on contact, while 'Bounce' allows players to perform bank shots.Stasis Field GeneratorPrismsHeavy: 3Strength: 3N/AThough not a weapon in the conventional sense, the Stasis Field Generator can be used to temporarily targets in place, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks.TC-5 Fusion CannonPrismsHeavy: 6Strength: 4Normal, DeathA devastating weapon that fires slow-moving projectiles which explode on contact. It can also deal substantial damage to players if fired while in close proximity to a target, especially in 'Death' mode with its wider damage radius.Exotic WeaponsAmmoStats RequiredFiring ModesDescriptionCrystal ShardN/AExotic: 1Research: 3N/AA shard of annelid with exceptional sharpness. It is the most powerful melee weapon in the game and even boasts superior range in its swings.Viral ProliferatorWormsExotic: 3Research: 4Human, AnnelidFires a payload of anti-annelid that explodes on contact; players can detonate the projectile prematurely by releasing the trigger after firing.
'Human' mode deals extra damage to annelid-human hybrids but also puts players at risk. 'Annelid' mode is superior against 'pure' annelids and cannot not harm the player. The Proliferator is totally ineffective against machines.Annelid LauncherWormsExotic: 6Research: 6Strength: 3Agility: 3Human, AnnelidSimilar to the Viral Proliferator, this features two firing modes for different enemy types and does no damage to mechanical enemies.
However, the Launcher fires with a larger blast radius.Other WeaponsAmmoStats RequiredFiring ModesDescriptionWrenchN/AN/AN/AThe utilitarian is likely to be the first weapon acquired by players. Though relatively weak, it does not require any special training nor ammunition to use.Black Ops Psi AmpN/APsi: 1N/AWhile not strictly considered a weapon, Psi Amps are required for players to use, which can range between offensive, defensive and support applications.Protective GearWith the exception of the Hazard Suit, characters' (Strength, Agility, etc.) must meet certain prerequisites in order to equip protective gear. Armor/SuitStats RequiredAttributesDescriptionLight Combat ArmorStrength: 2Defense: 20A basic set of body armor with a minimal Strength prerequisite.Hazard SuitN/AToxin: 75Radiation: 75While offering no protection from weapons, Hazard Suits do shield the player from most of the environmental damage caused by or high levels of.Powered ArmorStrength: 3Defense: 50Toxin: 10This top-of-the-line armor provides superior protection while only weighing slightly heavier than Light Combat Armor. However, it is totally dependent on an external battery and offers no protection without a power source.Medium Combat ArmorStrength: 4Defense: 30A beefed-up set of armor with twice the weight of the Light variety.Heavy Combat ArmorStrength: 6Defense: 40The best set of non-powered armor in the game is also incredibly heavy, preventing all but the strongest soldiers from equipping it.WormSkin ArmorResearch: 3Psi: 2Defense: 20Toxin: 30Radiation: 30Radical innovations in ballistics research have produced this living armor made from annelid tissue, which also boosts the wearer's Psi stat. However, it also constantly drains PSI points while equipped.ImplantsSpecial 'metabolic booster' devices known as Implants can be equipped to the player's cyber-rig in order to grant better stats or skills.
Synopsisinstructs the Soldier that to deprive XERXES of any further power, he will have to send a warning signal to Earth from the, where a transmission device has been set up by members of, including. Unfortunately, it is powered down and needs a code to be activated. The Soldier gains access to the Athletics Sector using a keycard found in the Crew Quarters and discovers that the code to the transmission device is hidden in art terminals on the Recreation Deck.
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He then restores power to the Athletics Sector, and finds the code scattered in art terminals throughout the, Garden and the Recreation Deck Crew Quarters. After sending off the transmission and completing the objectives on the, XERXES is sufficiently powerless for SHODAN to unlock the elevator to the, where Soldier G65434-2 goes to get into the and stop.Deck Layout.