Violinist How To Hold Violin

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I am a cellist. I recently decided it would be fun to pick up the violin to see how quickly I could learn how to play it. I bought a very cheap instrument and it arrived today.

  1. How To Play Violin
  2. Violin Shoulder Rest
  3. Different Violin Bow Holds

How To Play Violin

When I placed the instrument (rather awkwardly) on my shoulder and picked up the bow, a thought occurred to me: how am I supposed to hold the bow? I proceeded to look up several tutorials on YouTube. But I wonder, is the difference between the cello bow grip and the violin bow grip really justified? I mean, I'm sure there must be a reason for the difference, but could I, in theory, just hold the violin bow the same way I would hold my cello bow without suffering any consequences?

I'm hoping that I can get away with this shortcut. I'm in the same position. Cello player messing around on a violin for real for the first time. Particularly I have run into trouble with playing dynamics (specifically piano and lower). After noticing all my tricks for playing softly and with less power on cello were coming up short. I spoke to a friend who plays violin and he mentioned my bow hold probably needs some slight changing and I've been working on it and getting better!

Crazy stuff how such little details can change so much.

Hey /r/violinist, beginner violinist here.I'm about three weeks into playing and I still can't hold my violin properly. Trying to hold it without a shoulder rest is painful for my jaw/chin unless I support the neck with my left hand; in fact I bruised it trying to make the hold work. They'll support the violin and help you hold it correctly (as in, not with your left hand). But they won't force your posture to be any particular way, as an incorrectly adjusted shoulder rest would. Plus, they're dirt cheap.


Like these Violin Lessons!!! Check out the official appWatch more How to Play the Violin videos:Holding the violin, for a beginner, is one of the most important things to learn when you are first learning how to play. I feel it is one of the mistakes that is made sometimes where children learn to hold the violin with their hand. Really they should be learning how to hold the violin with their chin only. Here is a demonstration of what should be happening when you learn to hold your violin.First of all, you start in rest position.

Again, this is for a young, a beginner. Your feet are together. You make a V for violin.

Then you step out with either foot, it doesn't matter which one so that your equal distance apart from your shoulders. Your shoulders should be the same, parallel to your shoulders should be your feet. Then, you take the shoulder of the left side of your violin with your left hand and you put it out in front of your left foot. Your arm should be nice and straight. Then you turn the violin over so it's upside down and you fly it into your neck.Now, this part is the most difficult part because you want to make sure that you can't really see the top of your shoulder. A lot of the mistakes are made when the violin is held like this and you can see the whole shoulder.

Then your not really holding the violin well enough. If it is on top of the shoulder you should be able to let go and even put your left hand on your right shoulder.Your head position, your head should be turned but also relaxed and a little laid backward like your sleeping. Not too much but a little bit. You're staring at the D string and your using about half of your chin and half of your cheek to hold the violin.

Half of your chin, not the whole thing 'cause that's what that would look like, and half of your cheek right over here. This is the right way to hold the violin.You could walk around your house demonstrating how well you hold your violin.

Shake somebody's hand. Have a destination to where you are going and practice this. This is how you need to do it in order to keep your fingers. Letting them free. Keeping them free so they can shift all over the violin instead of having to hold them. Hold the violin. Then they won't be able to shift as freely.This is a beautiful violin position.

Again, feet together. Make a V, step. Left hand to left shoulder.

Violin Shoulder Rest

Violinist How To Hold Violin

Different Violin Bow Holds

A straight arm over the left foot. Flip it over, fly it in. Make sure it is on the shoulder using half your chin, half your cheek. Left hand flies to the right shoulder. And you have a beautiful violin position. The violin is also nice and flat. And that's the right way to hold the violin.